The data shown may not match the actual data as the AS data is updated monthly.
AS63148 QTI, US
Spam statistics of AS63148 QTI, US
Country | Number of networks | IP Addresses | Purpose of use |
United States | 1 | 51 | Hosting |
Domain | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IPs | Spam rate |
- | 24 | 0 | 0.00% |
Websites count | IP addresses with websites | ||
6 738 | 49 |
Spam activity log
About AS63148
Owner of AS63148
The owner of Autonomous System number AS63148 is not explicitly mentioned in the public registry. However, the ownership of an AS number can typically be found using IP registry databases like ARIN for North America or corresponding registries for other regions such as RIPE in Europe, APNIC in Asia-Pacific, LACNIC in Latin America and the Caribbean, and AFRINIC for Africa.
Main Operational Activity
The main operational activity of an autonomous system (AS) involves routing internet traffic to its intended destinations within the network managed by the AS owner. This includes maintaining the network infrastructure, managing IP address allocations, and ensuring secure and efficient data transmission across the network.
Establishment of AS63148
The establishment date of AS63148 is not typically made public in generic databases, but this information might be available through detailed registry records or directly from the organization managing the AS if they choose to disclose it.
Malicious Use of AS63148
Concerning whether hackers or spammers use AS63148 with malicious intent, there may be instances where certain IP ranges within an autonomous system are reported for abusive activities. CleanTalk provides a blacklist checking service that allows users to check if any IP within the AS has been reported for spam or other malicious activities. As of the current knowledge cutoff date, you would need to refer to
for the most up-to-date information regarding any reports of malicious use.
Please note that the presence of an IP address on a blacklist does not necessarily implicate the entire AS, nor does it necessarily reflect poor management practices by the AS owner. It may indicate that a particular user within the AS's network is conducting harmful activities which the owner must address.
WhoIs AS63148
Detected networks prefixes
# | Network prefix | Country | Length | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IP addresses | Spam rate |
1 | | United States | 256 | 51 | 0 | 0.00% |