The data shown may not match the actual data as the AS data is updated monthly.
AS57523 Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
Spam statistics of AS57523 Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
Country | Number of networks | IP Addresses | Purpose of use |
Hong Kong SAR China | 12 | 439 | Hosting |
Domain | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IPs | Spam rate |
- | 297 | 84 | 28.28% |
Websites count | IP addresses with websites | ||
2 773 | 202 |
Spam activity log
About AS57523
Owner of AS57523
The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 57523 is currently not publicly listed. Ownership details for ASNs can often be obtained through regional internet registries or other online ASN information services.
Main Operational Activity
The main operational activity of AS57523's owner is not explicitly stated without further context or a specific database entry that provides such information. Autonomous Systems typically engage in routing internet traffic according to their network policies and could serve various purposes including internet service provision, hosting services, enterprise networking, or content delivery.
Establishment Date
Without access to the detailed registry database or the entity's own disclosure, the establishment date of AS57523 cannot be ascertained. This information might be found in regional internet registry databases or through direct inquiry to the organization managing the AS.
Malicious Use: Hackers or Spammers
Regarding the malicious use by hackers or spammers, the website CleanTalk provides a blacklist monitoring service. According to
, there may be records or reports if AS57523 has been involved in such activities. Typically, if an AS appears on such lists, it indicates that some of the IP addresses within the range managed by the AS have been associated with spamming or other malicious behavior. However, this does not necessarily implicate the AS owner directly, as individual IP addresses can be compromised without the knowledge of the AS administrator.
For the most current and detailed information, it is recommended to check the provided URL or similar resources that track the reputation of network entities.
WhoIs AS57523
SPAM active IP addresses in AS57523 Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
# | Sender IP | Detected | Last seen | Reported as spam |
1 | | 2024-09-26 02:45:31 | 2024-12-14 22:29:14 | 12 |
Detected networks prefixes
# | Network prefix | Country | Length | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IP addresses | Spam rate |
1 | | Russia | 256 | 92 | 42 | 16.00% |
2 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 256 | 43 | 16 | 6.00% |
3 | | Seychelles | 256 | 25 | 10 | 4.00% |
4 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 256 | 32 | 9 | 4.00% |
5 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 1024 | 40 | 9 | 1.00% |
6 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 256 | 38 | 8 | 3.00% |
7 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 256 | 23 | 8 | 3.00% |
8 | | Russia | 256 | 31 | 8 | 3.00% |
9 | | United Arab Emirates | 2048 | 108 | 7 | 0.00% |
10 | | United Arab Emirates | 256 | 27 | 7 | 3.00% |
11 | | Russia | 256 | 25 | 5 | 2.00% |
12 | | Russia | 256 | 38 | 5 | 2.00% |
13 | | Brazil | 1024 | 83 | 4 | 0.00% |
14 | | Russia | 256 | 28 | 4 | 2.00% |
15 | | Russia | 1024 | 39 | 4 | 0.00% |
16 | | Hong Kong SAR China | 256 | 13 | 3 | 1.00% |
17 | | Russia | 256 | 11 | 3 | 1.00% |
18 | | United Arab Emirates | 512 | 2 | 1 | 0.00% |
19 | | Brazil | 256 | 20 | 1 | 0.00% |
20 | | United Arab Emirates | 256 | 17 | 1 | 0.00% |