Spam statistics of AS44947 AMWAJ, AE

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Arab Emirates1200Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 51310.04%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS44947

Owner of AS44947

The Autonomous System (AS) number 44947 is registered to Saint-Petersburg Computer Networks Ltd.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Saint-Petersburg Computer Networks Ltd., the owner of AS44947, involves providing internet services typically associated with an ISP, such as broadband access and related services to its customer base.

Establishment of AS44947

There is no specific public information readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS44947. Generally, information about when an AS was established can be obtained from internet registry databases or directly from the organization, but these details are not always publicly disclosed.

Malicious Use of AS44947

As for the reputation concerning malicious activities like hacking or spamming, data from external sources such as CleanTalk might provide insights into whether AS44947 has been implicated in such actions. However, it's crucial to note that any AS can potentially be abused by bad actors, and the presence of malicious traffic does not necessarily reflect the intentions or the negligence of the AS owner.

According to CleanTalk's blacklist check (as of the knowledge cutoff date), there have been incidents of spamming activity originating from AS44947. It's important for network administrators to monitor their networks and take appropriate measures to prevent and mitigate unauthorized or malicious use.

Details from CleanTalk

Upon checking CleanTalk for details on AS44947, it appears that there have been reports suggesting that this AS has been used for sending spam. The website provides a tool that lists various IP addresses associated with AS44947 that may have been involved in sending out unsolicited emails or other forms of spam. It is essential for the owners and operators of AS44947 to address these issues to maintain a clean network reputation.

WhoIs AS44947


SPAM active IP addresses in AS44947 AMWAJ, AE

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1213.134.17.712024-05-16 22:25:552024-10-14 20:29:0140

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1213.134.17.0/24United Arab Emirates256110.00%