AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.

Spam statistics of AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States11622 607Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-25 1241 9987.95%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
127 78538 450

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS3257

Ownership of AS3257

AS3257 is owned by GTT Communications, Inc., which is a global telecommunication carrier and operates a Tier 1 IP network. GTT Communications provides internet services to various multinational clients.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS3257's owner, GTT Communications, is to deliver secure, reliable, and scalable network connections for a wide assortment of organizations. They specialize in IP transit, wide area networking, dedicated internet access, and private network services among others.

Establishment of AS3257

AS3257 was established as part of GTT Communications' infrastructure but the exact date of its establishment may not be publicly disclosed. GTT itself has been in operation since 2005, growing through acquisitions of several other networks and service providers.

Malicious Use of AS3257

Like many large Autonomous Systems, AS3257 might occasionally be misused by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, GTT Communications actively works to mitigate such activities within their network. Regarding specific details from CleanTalk about the status of AS3257:

  • There may be records of spamming activity detected coming from this network.

  • The extent of the activity, the number of incidents, and the remedial actions taken can be found on websites that track and report on such occurrences like CleanTalk.

It's important to note that the presence of some malicious activity does not necessarily reflect the overall security and management practices of an Autonomous System; it could represent isolated cases that are being addressed by the network operator.

WhoIs AS3257


SPAM active IP addresses in AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 16:00:102024-07-17 01:10:363 21:13:462024-07-16 01:25:303
345.170.14.172020-11-16 18:00:032024-07-27 04:10:3960
445.170.14.362020-11-18 09:32:332024-07-24 21:35:2845
545.170.14.442021-01-11 21:53:062024-07-26 10:12:47268
645.170.14.582020-11-16 14:01:442024-07-26 22:16:4544
745.170.14.1112020-11-15 01:45:032024-07-26 08:40:3666
845.170.14.1502020-12-19 01:54:182024-07-24 17:10:3966
945.170.14.1612020-12-06 14:40:012024-07-25 10:50:43125
1045.170.14.1902020-11-15 00:15:122024-07-25 07:17:5944
1145.170.14.2222021-03-20 03:45:552024-07-27 04:35:1478
1245.170.14.2492021-01-04 07:30:002024-07-27 06:00:4355
1368.68.110.1392019-11-05 14:46:152024-07-21 16:40:3761
1468.69.188.1902024-07-13 11:55:372024-07-24 11:07:025
1568.69.189.892024-07-13 17:20:392024-07-24 06:25:315
1668.69.190.2012024-07-23 04:10:392024-07-24 15:35:2821
1780.94.68.1382016-11-23 23:26:372024-07-25 03:45:359
1889.149.24.52024-02-26 06:48:152024-07-16 18:28:49250
1989.149.24.542023-11-21 15:25:542024-07-15 22:21:443
2089.149.24.732023-12-26 23:26:222024-07-16 01:40:413
2189.149.24.742023-11-29 13:54:252024-07-26 04:28:485
2289.149.24.992023-11-22 11:15:542024-07-16 00:26:164
2389.149.24.1072023-12-24 01:25:512024-07-21 12:28:513
2489.149.24.1192023-12-07 03:32:442024-07-15 18:35:3515
2589.149.24.1382023-11-20 17:41:282024-07-19 01:30:4117
2689.149.24.1782024-01-09 18:11:122024-07-26 16:32:414
2789.149.24.1892023-12-29 08:35:562024-07-23 18:28:494
2889.149.24.2092023-12-26 11:44:342024-07-23 08:28:493
2989.149.24.2112023-12-27 23:05:592024-07-19 18:40:403
3089.149.24.2232024-01-09 23:41:312024-07-16 20:46:3217

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States1638437539476.00%
2185.228.192.0/22United States102436525125.00%
345.170.12.0/22United States102446022222.00%
494.131.32.0/19United States81927052113.00%
568.68.96.0/20United States409617851945.00%
7207.230.104.0/22United States102434916216.00%
923.184.144.0/24United States25618912549.00%
1023.184.144.0/22United States102418912512.00%
1262.93.160.0/19United States8192155891.00%
14104.251.82.0/24United States2561297630.00%
15191.101.209.0/24United Kingdom2561557228.00%
1946.173.64.0/20United States4096379541.00%
20104.251.90.0/24United States256895020.00%
22134.195.152.0/22United States1024144444.00%
23173.205.0.0/17United States327681269440.00%
2470.39.128.0/17United States327683674410.00%
2564.93.84.0/22United States102461384.00%
2623.230.64.0/19United States81925711340.00%
27195.134.192.0/19United States819243340.00%
2966.171.224.0/20United States4096500311.00%
305.253.202.0/24United Kingdom256622811.00%