AS20860 Iomart Cloud Services Limited

Spam statistics of AS20860 Iomart Cloud Services Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom22040 293Paid VPN, Hosting, good_bots
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-31 0732 5458.19%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
212 19529 027

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS20860

Owner of AS20860

The owner of AS20860 is Iomart Cloud Services Limited. This company is a managed cloud services provider that operates out of the United Kingdom.

Main Operational Activity

Iomart Cloud Services Limited provides a wide range of cloud-based solutions including web hosting, managed servers, and custom cloud infrastructure for businesses.

Establishment of AS20860

There isn't publicly available information regarding the exact date when AS20860 was established. However, Iomart Group PLC, its parent company, has been operating since 1998, and it has grown through acquisitions and expansion of its cloud services over time.

Malicious Use of AS20860

Like many large service providers, AS20860 could potentially be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it is important to note that being listed on a blacklist does not necessarily mean that the network itself is malicious, but rather that some of its users may have violated policies.

According to, as of the latest data, there are certain reports of spam activity originating from AS20860. Here are some details:

  • Last Seen Spam: The date of the most recent reported activity.

  • Spam Rate: An estimation of the volume of spam coming from their network.

  • Spam Active IPs: A count of active IP addresses involved in sending spam.

  • Total Detected Spam IPs: The total number of individual IP addresses detected for sending spam.

It is essential for the owner of AS20860 to monitor and address any such issues to maintain a reputable service for legitimate customers.

WhoIs AS20860


SPAM active IP addresses in AS20860 Iomart Cloud Services Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 20:51:042024-10-18 23:40:308 01:08:302024-10-15 21:55:2315
331.187.70.632023-04-22 06:40:382024-10-11 21:05:203
437.157.242.602023-09-30 13:30:472024-10-24 01:25:243
537.157.242.612023-10-07 19:35:522024-10-17 07:15:224
662.128.207.1022018-08-13 07:09:302024-10-17 17:40:29225
762.128.207.1062018-09-04 16:43:222024-10-23 19:15:28169
862.128.207.1072018-09-04 22:19:282024-10-21 14:10:2971
962.128.207.1082018-09-05 13:58:542024-10-22 15:25:22185
1062.128.217.702017-09-26 19:40:392024-10-17 10:15:39303
1162.128.217.732017-07-30 17:13:512024-10-11 03:05:23233
1262.128.217.862017-10-05 05:05:572024-10-17 07:35:22193
1362.128.217.872017-07-28 20:51:342024-10-16 20:50:27556
1462.128.217.962017-09-16 14:37:442024-10-22 11:05:207
1562.128.217.1002020-06-11 04:56:022024-10-24 11:35:24227
1662.128.217.1112019-10-01 04:26:022024-10-21 18:20:27657
1780.243.180.2012015-03-22 08:04:062024-10-23 10:40:277
1882.102.10.2532016-05-17 18:45:322024-10-17 00:25:2529
1982.145.63.992023-06-26 01:10:212024-10-18 20:15:285
2087.117.204.32023-03-23 23:20:362024-10-21 20:40:4639
2187.117.225.1352021-07-05 13:30:422024-10-18 21:45:29124
2287.117.225.1362021-06-08 20:55:512024-10-15 17:35:233
2387.117.225.1442021-07-12 15:55:552024-10-12 14:30:3825
2487.117.225.1482021-06-09 15:05:582024-10-24 11:45:28194
2587.117.225.1532021-06-10 15:20:572024-10-19 16:50:2628
2687.117.230.2282019-12-17 21:53:252024-10-11 04:29:0138
2788.150.135.192017-12-21 15:38:512024-10-10 23:50:423
2888.150.230.52023-08-07 14:51:122024-10-23 12:10:3089
2988.150.230.692023-10-28 09:55:492024-10-20 21:35:203
3088.150.230.1862016-11-10 12:48:552024-10-17 01:30:3216

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Kingdom3276853825532.00% Kingdom3276825844241.00%
3149.255.104.0/22United Kingdom102459429128.00%
488.150.192.0/18United Kingdom163848462492.00%
5109.169.0.0/18United Kingdom1638422541871.00%
8109.73.64.0/20United Kingdom40966681083.00%
1095.154.192.0/18United Kingdom163842764931.00%
1188.150.192.0/19United Kingdom8192381911.00%
13185.182.230.0/24United Kingdom2561058533.00%
14185.182.228.0/24United Kingdom2561048433.00%
1587.117.192.0/18United Kingdom163842018760.00%
1689.33.68.0/22United Kingdom1024763707.00%
1731.3.224.0/19United Kingdom8192451601.00%
1837.220.0.0/19United Kingdom8192484581.00%
19185.17.148.0/22United Kingdom1024197586.00%
2082.102.8.0/21United Kingdom2048386563.00%
2188.150.252.0/23United Kingdom512695611.00%
2282.145.32.0/19United Kingdom81921099541.00%
2380.243.176.0/20United Kingdom4096802521.00%
24109.169.64.0/19United Kingdom81921476400.00% Kingdom8192575330.00% Kingdom81921771320.00%
27212.38.160.0/19United Kingdom81921096290.00%
28217.147.80.0/20United Kingdom4096782291.00%
2988.150.168.0/22United Kingdom1024190242.00%
30109.200.0.0/19United Kingdom8192394190.00%

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