AS202596 G.Network Communications Limited

Spam statistics of AS202596 G.Network Communications Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom162 817Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 051331.61%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
3 0061 613

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS202596

Owner of AS202596

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 202596 is "G-Core Labs S.A." This company is a global IT solutions provider specializing in hosting, CDN services, and advanced security solutions.

Main Operational Activity

G-Core Labs S.A. is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for web services such as content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud hosting, and related security services to ensure the stable operation of online platforms and applications.

Establishment of AS202596

The exact establishment date of AS202596 is not readily available in public records; however, the creation and assignment of an AS number typically coincide with the operational start or expansion of a network by its owner.

Malicious Use of AS202596

Like many large networks, AS202596 may occasionally be associated with malicious activities such as spam or hacker attacks. However, it is important to note that these incidents could be a result of compromised resources within the network rather than deliberate actions by the network owner. According to data from CleanTalk, there may be instances of abuse detected on AS202596, but this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of G-Core Labs S.A.

For detailed and up-to-date information about any potential malicious use of AS202596, one would need to refer to resources like CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring service, which tracks such activities across various networks. As of the knowledge cutoff date, you should consult their website directly for the most current data regarding AS202596.

WhoIs AS202596


SPAM active IP addresses in AS202596 G.Network Communications Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 10:46:062024-10-24 11:55:253

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Kingdom4096715301.00% Kingdom2048378231.00%
395.141.27.0/24United Kingdom2567183.00%
495.141.28.0/24United Kingdom2563783.00%
595.141.16.0/21United Kingdom204833670.00%
695.141.20.0/24United Kingdom2563273.00%
795.141.20.0/23United Kingdom5128871.00%
8161.38.0.0/16United Kingdom65536102870.00%
995.141.30.0/23United Kingdom5128351.00%
1095.141.31.0/24United Kingdom2565852.00%
1195.141.29.0/24United Kingdom2568121.00%
1245.80.244.0/22United Kingdom10243810.00%
1362.197.32.0/19United Kingdom819214210.00%
14185.225.44.0/22United Kingdom10245610.00%
1545.12.240.0/22United Kingdom10245900.00%
1645.95.156.0/22United Kingdom10244100.00%
1745.133.120.0/21United Kingdom20485800.00%
1845.133.128.0/22United Kingdom10242900.00%
1945.134.228.0/22United Kingdom10242000.00%
2045.139.12.0/22United Kingdom10244500.00%
2145.139.12.0/23United Kingdom5121800.00%
2245.141.132.0/22United Kingdom10244000.00%
2345.145.48.0/22United Kingdom10246100.00%
2445.149.188.0/22United Kingdom10244000.00%
2545.152.232.0/22United Kingdom10242200.00%
2645.159.64.0/23United Kingdom512100.00%
2762.197.32.0/21United Kingdom20482700.00%
2862.197.42.0/23United Kingdom512900.00%
2962.197.52.0/22United Kingdom1024100.00%
3080.249.16.0/20United Kingdom409612200.00%